然而,他一直想不明白的是九年前,宋焘已死过一次,而且尸身还是他亲自装殓的。那次死亡之后三天,宋焘竟然复活了。在复活后的九年里,Song Flung dedicates himself to serving his mother, showing great respect to his father-in-law and the neighbors. Unbeknownst to his father-in-law, nine years prior, Song Flung had indeed died but was sent back by the underworld.
The truth is that after Song Flung's death, his spirit was taken by a white-robed officer to the underworld for an examination. He saw many officials sitting in a hall, only recognizing Guan Gong and Yan Wang; he did not recognize any others. Outside were two tables and benches with a scholar already seated; Song Flung sat down too and saw an exam question: "One person per person or without intention." He felt confident in answering it quickly.
The examiners praised him highly for his answers, especially one where he wrote "Have good intentions for kindness though no reward may come; have no intention for evil though punishment may follow," which impressed them greatly. Song Flung was summoned before the main examiner who ordered him to become the city god of Henan Province due to his reputation as a virtuous man during life on earth.
Song Flung hesitated but requested permission first because he wanted to take care of his elderly mother whose life expectancy still had nine years left. The recorder consulted her death record before agreeing with concern from other gods about how this could be arranged since he had passed away already.
Guan Gong proposed temporarily appointing another candidate named Zhang Sheng as acting city god instead until Song Flung could return after finishing caring for his mother's needs when she eventually passed away. This plan was accepted by all parties involved while simultaneously allowing Zhang Sheng's own request approved so they both left respectfully afterward.
Afterward at home when waking up from what seemed like a dream inside coffinsong flug found out that zhang sheng also died on the same day as well! So song flug returned home again
and finally served mom 9 more years then went back into heaven took office
标签: 明朝败家子漫画 、 最长的朝代排名 、 中国25个朝代顺序顺口溜 、 如果溥仪死前大清没有灭亡 、 中国422个 顺序