岳父这才明白过来:他的女婿已经成为了城市守护神。但他一直迷惑不解的是,这不是九年前一次类似的经历吗?当时,宋焘确实离世,并由他亲手装殓。但三天后,发生了一件令人难以置信的事:宋焘复活了。他对此事没有多说,只回应说:“母亲尚在,我不能离开她。”自那以后,在复活后的九年里,Song Flandevoted himself to serving his mother, treating his father-in-law and their family with great respect, and being kind and generous to the neighbors.
然而,没有人知道真相:九年前,当Song Flawas deceased, his spirit was taken by a white-robed officer to the underworld for an examination. He saw numerous officials in the hall of judgment, but only recognized Guan Gong and Yan Wang. After answering questions on the topic "one person has heart or no heart," he was praised by examiners for his answer: "Even if one has good intentions but does not receive rewards; even if one has bad intentions but does not receive punishment." Song Flwas appointed as a City God due to his outstanding performance.
But before taking up this position, he was given a nine-year reprieve to return home and care for his elderly mother. When Song's mother passed away after nine years, he returned to take up the role of City God. This story is from Pu Songling's Chat Tales (聊斋志异), revealing that while authors may face failure repeatedly in life they still pursue their dreams with passion and perseverance. The tale also highlights moral standards such as filial piety and benevolence shared among people during that time period.