朱元璋后裔改姓“东南西北”四姓逃亡孔家村六吉屯现有居民60多户,其中东姓居民有35户,占了一大半。走进该村,随便叫住一位东 surname族人,他们都会兴致勃勃地向你讲述关于其是帝王后裔的故事。“这些事情都是我们东 surname老辈人一代一代口耳相传的,说我们的祖先姓朱,是明国皇帝朱元璋的后裔。”68岁的East Old Man说起此事,深信不疑。
据East surname居民介绍,在明末时,当农民起义军在攻进北京城前,皇城里的Jusurname贵族纷纷外逃。为了躲避被诛杀的危险,这些Jusurname皇族无奈只好改姓:一部分从East门逃出去的人,就变成了East;从South门逃出的,就变成了South;从North门逃出的,就变成了North;从West门逃出的,就变成了West,而李自成的起义军是从West门攻城,所以,从West门逃出的人最少。
From Eastdoor, the Jusurname descendants divided into two groups: one fled to a place called "褡裢" in Hebei Province, where they settled down. The other group fled to Shandong Province and settled in a village called "East Record" (now known as East Village). They hid there, relatively safe.
The East surname clan then moved from Shandong to Zhuanghe, where they eventually settled in the present-day Sixji Township of Qingyue Town. According to local legend, this branch of the East surname clan was descended from Emperor Zhus descendant who had escaped from Beijing during the Ming dynasty's final years.
Recently, officials from Zhuanghes Cultural Bureau visited the township and confirmed that the residents of Sixji Township were indeed descended from Emperor Zhuis family. The villagers still practice an ancient ritual known as "Bowing to Four Directions," which involves burning incense sticks at four different locations on important days throughout the year.
This tradition is believed to have originated with Emperor Zhuis ancestors when they were distributed across China by their imperial predecessors. After being driven out of power during Li Chengs rebellion against his own regime, many members of Emperors Zhuis family were forced into hiding under new identities while keeping alive their connection through rituals like Bowing to Four Directions.
In summary, it can be concluded that those living in Sixji Township are indeed descendants of Emperor Zhus family who survived through generations after fleeing Beijing during tumultuous times.
标签: 土木堡之变明朝报复了吗 、 宋朝赋税制度 、 是不是岳飞死后才发生靖康之耻 、 明清奇案干尸悬案 、 历史朝代顺序和重大历史事件