


文人的趣味往往注重内涵和深度,他们对待绘画也是一样的。明代有名的四大家子——吴门徐耐斋(徐祯卿)、浙江绍兴谢稚直(谢肇淛)、江苏无锡周春霖(周敦颐)和广东韶州林良—are all famous for their paintings that are not only beautiful but also full of profound meaning. They often painted landscapes, flowers and birds, as well as figures in a simple and natural style.


The influence of court culture on folk traditions was another significant aspect of the Ming dynasty's art world. The emperor himself was an artist and he encouraged artists to paint with brushwork that seemed effortless yet precise, creating a sense of depth in two dimensions.


In many gold sentences from "Ming Dynasty Affairs", we can see the reflection of life philosophy which is deeply connected with the aesthetics mentioned above. For example, there is one sentence saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words." This sentence reflects how people at that time valued painting as a way to express themselves more than just using words.


Flowers and birds were often used in Ming dynasty paintings because they held symbolic meanings such as longevity, prosperity, peace etc.. The painters would depict these subjects so realistically that it seems like you could reach out your hand to touch them.


The concept of beauty has evolved over time but some things remain constant like our appreciation for nature and its elements - flowers, trees, rivers etc.. We can still draw inspiration from the works created by these artists during the Ming dynasty when creating modern living spaces or simply appreciating nature around us.


Today we need to learn about classical arts because they provide us with insights into how our ancestors thought about life and what they considered beautiful or important while making decisions about their surroundings including their homes or gardens.

7 结语:从古至今,不变的是对自然之爱与审美标准的一致性。

Throughout history there has always been consistency in our love for nature and aesthetic standards even though styles may change over time.
