朱尚炳,明太祖孙,秦愍王樉嫡长子,洪武二十八年袭封秦王。永乐初,他亲自出巡平息了沔县人高福兴等的叛乱。然而,在永乐九年,当明成祖派使者至西安时,朱尚炳称疾不出迎,并与使者发生了矛盾。成祖 subsequently seized the king's officials, put them on trial and punished them, and sent a letter to Jia saying: "The Ziqing King was appointed by his father; he became a ruler because of his wealth. The Lord of Jin was lazy and did not make an effort; he was criticized for it." Fearing punishment, Jia came to court to apologize. He died the following year in March and was posthumously honored as the Hidden King.
标签: 明朝首都在哪里 、 了解一位明朝的 、 大明:从土木堡之变开始! 、 明朝那些事是正史还是小说 、 大元通制和元典章的区别