关于他的亲属成员,有记录显示他的长子名为木靖,在康熙五年的某一时间接替父职。而他的次子则成为了十世大宝法王,而第四子 木榽因其战功,被授予千夫长的称号。
有关事件之一是当吴三桂降服清朝之后,他率军扫荡云南时,尽管Wood family like their ancestors in the Yuan dynasty, they were the first to surrender and gained permission to continue their hereditary position as the head of the local government in Liangjiang.
然而,由于中央政府权力的增强,在Wood's later years, his title of "Local Magistrate" was nothing more than a ceremonial role. During Yongzheng's reign (1723), local leaders such as Arjuna and Ajudhyan requested that they be allowed to change from being ruled by a "Tusi" system to one governed by an appointed official. The court agreed, and Wood's hereditary position as Tusi was downgraded to that of a "Circuit Judge".