4.在此之后,大明实际灭亡。大约一年后,在被俘后的情况下,被吴三桂囚禁于昆明金禅寺内,当初本应押解至京城,由康熙处置,但吴三桂却迟迟不动手。这可能会让康熙放他一马,对吴三桂并不利。此时上书请求就地处决,并获准。大约六月初一日 永歷十六年(公元1662)父子双双遇害。
5.后人评述此事,有人认为Wu San Kui杀死 Eternal Emperor Yong Li的一举两得,将自己污名化留下污点。但若身处其中,或许理解当时危险环境,即必须迅速处理,不可延误。这主要因为Eternal Emperor Yong Li的特殊身份,他是最后一个大明皇帝,不排除忠臣士子的谋划夺回。此外Yong Li也有护卫军队在手,与李定国虎视眈眈再者,从云南到北京2000多公里路程,以当时交通条件,要走个半载,是中途容易遭抢去的人质,如果半路被抢走Wu San Kui理也说不清反而可能被康熙怀疑叛徒。而对于个人来说,这是唯一机会:斩断退路向康熙表忠心,同时加官晋爵封赏,使自己的力量壮大,为长远打算服务。
6.Wu San Kui是一个野心勃勃且权力的男人。当初投降Li Zicheng并非无情决定,只为了自保。
7.Later, turning to Dorgon also was not simply for love of Chen Yuanyuan, though she was beautiful and talented woman in her own right, Wu San Kui would not risk his life and army for her sake.
8.The decision to surrender to the Qing was the best choice for his personal interests at that time.
9.Facing multiple offers from the Qing court, Wu San Kui chose surrender as a means of self-preservation.
10.In this way, he secured his future while maintaining control over a significant portion of Ming forces and territory in southern China.
11.To sum up,Wu San Kui had reasons for killing Eternal Emperor Yong Li beyond mere malice or personal vendetta; rather it was a strategic move to eliminate potential threats and secure his position with the new regime.
12.His actions were driven by pragmatic considerations rather than emotional impulses or petty motives; they reflect an astute politician's calculation of risks and opportunities in a tumultuous era when survival depended on adaptability and cunning.
13.Wu San Kui's ambition remained constant throughout: he sought power above all else, using every means available to him - including treachery against former allies - to advance his own interests.
14.As such,Wu Sankai should be remembered less as a villainous figure who "killed" an emperor out of spite but more as an opportunistic strategist who navigated the treacherous waters of war-time politics with ruthless efficiency.
15.From this perspective,Wu Sankai emerges less as a brutal tyrant than as shrewd tactician whose decisions were shaped by both necessity and ambition.
16.Such is history's verdict on one man whose name has become synonymous with betrayal yet remains enigmatic even today.
17.The eternal question lingers: what drove Wu Sankai down this path? Was it solely ambition? Or did something deeper guide him towards those fateful choices that would forever define him?
标签: 推荐明朝那些事这本书 、 十部必看历史书籍 、 明朝口碑最好的 、 为什么大明战神朱瞻基 、 明朝著名人物及历史事件