

在明朝的时候,他们的军制体系比较简单,也就是卫,还有所。到了朱元璋手里面,他变革了禁卫军,树立了十多个亲卫军,其中就有锦衣卫,而在当时这个锦衣衛显然是非常重要的。我们深入研究一下锺_MT"=">M_,A_0}J4\NQW"=KlLgX2G9D6S5H4F3E2R1T8Y7V6U5I4P3O2N1Z0X]!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:',.<>?/`~ Barton, M. (2020). The Secret History of the Forbidden City: An Exposé of Court Life in Ancient China. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.


Figure 1: 锦衣衞軍官

Figure 2: 锦 衣衛成員


Bartolomew, J., & Tuo, Z. (2019). The Silk Road and Beyond: A Cultural History. London: Routledge.

Chen, Y., & Liang, X. (Eds.). (2018). A Companion to Chinese Military History from Antiquity to the Present Day. Leiden; Boston: Brill.

Cox, R., & Kohn, L. (2007). The Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics – An Introduction to the Sanskrit Language with a Focus on Its Relationship to Other Indo-European Languages.


^ [a]. "The Forbidden City." Encyclopedia Britannica,


^ [b]. "The Ming Dynasty." Encyclopædia Britannica,

