
明朝垃圾还是清朝垃圾?你真的知道姚广孝,朱棣吗?历史随心看小编给大家提供详细的相关内容。 “黑衣宰相”姚广孝,辅佐朱棣登上皇位后,朱棣赐他府邸、宫女,但他都不要!临终之际,朱棣再次问他有什么要求,他说:“臣只想和陛下要一个人!” 明初历史上,姚广孝是个传奇人物。他和朱元璋一样,都是和尚出身,却都因各种原因再度入世,朱元璋立下基业,姚广孝则助朱棣成就霸业。 从某种程度来讲,他改变了明朝的历史走向。然而,对于这个明朝谋臣,评价却不一而足。有人认为如果没有他,朱棣就不会发动靖难之役,他是一个“奸僧”,一个违背传统伦理的家。

姚广孝对朱棣究竟有多大作用?朱棣又是如何对待这个大谋士的?他最终结局是否呢? 朱元璋立朱允炆为人后,一开始,他的叔叔们并没有表露出不满之意。但在朱元璋死后, Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew, Zhu Youyuan, began to plot against his nephew. He was afraid that Zhu Youyuan would take advantage of the situation and seize power for himself.

Zhu Youyan had always been ambitious and wanted to overthrow his nephew and take the throne for himself. He convinced Zhu Yuanzhang that he should remove all of his nephews from their positions of power before it was too late. But in reality, he just wanted to eliminate any potential threats to his own position.

Zhu Yuanzhang agreed with this plan but did not realize that Zhu Youyan had ulterior motives. When he removed all of his nephews from their positions, he inadvertently created an opportunity for one of them - Zhu Di - to rise up against him.

Zhu Di knew about the plot between his uncle and father-in-law because one day while they were discussing it in a private room, they accidentally left the door open. A servant who heard everything went straight away to tell me about what I had just overheard.

I immediately told my father-in-law about what happened after hearing the news myself by chance when I was passing by their secret meeting place on my way back home from work later that night.

My father-in-law then came up with a plan together with me which involved secretly sending a message through another servant (who didn't know anything) telling everyone at court that we suspected there might be some sort of conspiracy going on involving our uncle so as not only protect ourselves but also make sure no harm comes either way since both sides are dangerous now due mainly because these actions have caused distrust among family members within both parties; thus causing even more danger than ever before if things get out handed during future conflicts arising from past events!
