于是降或死,这是一个问题,不过还在李自成抬了吴三桂一手,杀了吴三桂全家,夺了爱妾陈圆圆。Wu Three Gate must avenge his family and lover, so he can't die. So he had to surrender to the Qing dynasty. This made him be remembered as a traitor in Chinese history.
But why is Wu Three Gate hated more than other Ming generals who surrendered to the Qing? It's because of how he was portrayed in Chinese literature and drama. He was seen as a villain who betrayed China for love, which is not true. He had many reasons for surrendering, but these were not considered important.
Another reason Wu Three Gate is hated more is that he killed the last Ming emperor, Zhu Youjiao (also known as Yongli), after capturing him from Burma (now Myanmar). This was seen as a brutal act that ended any hope of restoring the Ming dynasty.
Finally, Wu Three Gate's rebellion against the Qing dynasty after being punished by them made him seem like a hypocrite. He claimed to want to drive out the Manchu invaders and restore the Ming dynasty, but this was just an excuse for his rebellion.
So it's not just what Wu Three Gate did that makes him hated more than other Ming generals who surrendered to the Qing; it's also how he has been portrayed in Chinese literature and drama over time.
标签: 赵福金人物生平 、 明朝十六帝顺序 、 土木堡之变中被俘的 、 明朝是个怎样的朝代 、 中国古代皇室成员关系图