




相比之下,明代皇帝则显得更加坚决,如不受欢迎的明英宗朱祁镇虽然混乱了一些,但是他至少敢带兵亲征,这在宋中期皇帝中并不常见。而即使如正德皇帝虽养宠好妓,也是个喜欢上战场的人,并且是在群臣阻止的情况下,他还是决定前往,并成功打了一仗胜利。这表明 明朝皇帝更加强硬,对后世对其军队形象产生影响。

再者,就像两个昏庸的皇帝遭俘一样,被俘的是靖康二主,他们一生未能返回故土,其影响对后世印象不好。而明英宗朱祁镇遭俘,则是在战场上,不是像靖康二主那样,在都城被捕,从某种程度上来说情况略好一些,这种区别也让人觉得 宋 朝 的 军 队 相 对 明 朝 军 队 而 言 有所逊色。

Song Dynasty's military system emphasized decentralization and the separation of power, with a focus on law and order. This was partly due to the Song founder's cup of wine release of military power, which restructured the leadership of the imperial guard into three commanders (殿前都指挥使、步军都指挥使和马军都指挥使) who did not have the authority to mobilize troops. The Central Military Commission (枢密院) managed military affairs but had no command authority over troops.

This led to high frequencies in officer changes and frequent requests for approval from the emperor before making strategic decisions during wartime. The intention was to prevent generals from becoming too powerful, but this also hindered flexibility in warfare. Moreover, frequent officer changes made it difficult for soldiers to know their commanding officers' strengths or weaknesses.

In contrast, Ming Dynasty's military system focused more on centralization and unity of command. Although Ming emperors were often criticized for their indulgent lifestyles, they were generally more willing to take personal control over military matters than their Song counterparts.

Thus, while both dynasties faced challenges in maintaining strong militaries due to internal issues like bureaucratic inefficiencies and corruption as well as external pressures such as wars with neighboring countries like Liao or Yuan/Mongols; however different approaches they took towards these problems resulted in varying degrees of success.

The differences between these two systems are evident when comparing how each dynasty handled key events that shaped its reputation: while Song Dynasty's handling of battles against invading forces is seen as indecisive due mainly to its centralized yet inefficient bureaucracy; Ming Dynasty demonstrated greater resilience under similar circumstances thanks largely to its ability for swift decision-making at higher levels within its administration structure – all contributing factors leading one conclusion: despite being subjectively perceived weaker by history books; historically speaking – based on various accounts & records - there is reason enough suggesting that perhaps we should rethink our perceptions about how weakly effective those armies truly were then compared now considering what has changed since time passed!
