farmer approached the fox spirit and asked for its help. The fox spirit agreed, but with a condition: after one season of abundant harvests, the farmer would have to give up half of his crops as payment.
The farmer agreed and waited patiently for the harvest. Sure enough, that year his crops grew like never before. However, when it was time to pay the fox spirit its due share, he found himself in a difficult situation. He had promised half of his yield but now couldn't afford it.
In desperation, he thought back on all he knew about farming and remembered an old trick from his ancestors: saving seeds from good harvests to plant again in future years without having to buy new ones every time. So instead of giving away half of his crops as promised, he gave only what could be considered "old" or "leftover" – not fresh seedlings but rather mature plants that were already bearing fruit.
The story spread quickly throughout the village that this clever man had outsmarted the cunning fox spirit by offering "old" crops instead of fresh ones as payment.
Over time,"eat old rice" became a common phrase used metaphorically for exploiting past successes or advantages without putting in any additional effort – just like how this farmer took advantage of previous hard work by planting seeds saved from previous successful harvests.
From then on whenever I heard my dad say “you're eating old rice”, I knew exactly what he meant - you're relying too much on past achievements rather than continuing to put in effort towards progress and growth.
标签: 土木堡死了多少人 、 明朝年号顺序 、 中国历史朝代顺序口诀 、 为什么说明朝是最有骨气的 、 明代帝王武力排名