正统十一年(1446年),Yang died, at the age of 75. He was granted special honors and a high title by the emperor. His legacy as a statesman and scholar has endured for centuries.
Personal Works: Yang wrote several books on Buddhism and Confucianism, including "The Collected Works of Master Yang" (《澹庵文稿》) and "A Collection of Poems by Master Yang" (《文集》). He also participated in the compilation of several official histories, including "The Veritable Records of Emperor Taizong" (《明太宗实录》) and "The Veritable Records of Emperor Xuanzong" (《明宣宗实录_)。
Legacy: Yang is remembered as a man who was loyal to his principles, honest in his dealings with others, and dedicated to his duties as a statesman. Despite facing many challenges throughout his life, he remained committed to his ideals until the end.
标签: 明朝的历史人物 、 元朝22位 列表 、 明朝那些事儿小说免费阅读 、 元代历史背景简介 、 元明清奇案