3.不过跟堂哥朱由检比起来,朱由榔着实差远了。“自幼失学, 全未读书”,从小未尝受过正规的皇室教育,性格怯懦,胆识才能都难当中兴之主,就连其亲生母亲都评价其“吾儿仁柔,非拨乱之才也”。
永历十六年 (公元1662) 正月,被俘后,他被送给吴三桂,然后被囚禁在昆明的一座金禅寺内。当时本应该将他押解至京城,由康熙处置,但却迟迟不动手。这显然对吴三桂是不利。
10.Wu Three Gates promptly submitted a petition to the throne, requesting that he be allowed to execute Yongli in person; his request was granted.
11.The decision of Wu Three Gates to kill Yongli has been interpreted by many historians as an act of treachery and betrayal against the Ming dynasty, as it was seen as a way for him to eliminate any potential threats from the Ming loyalists and secure his position within the Qing court.
12.Wu Three Gates' motivations for killing Yongli are not entirely clear, but it is believed that he wanted to prevent any potential uprising or rebellion from taking place among the remaining Ming loyalists.
13.In conclusion, Wu Three Gates' decision to kill Yongli was likely motivated by a desire to eliminate any potential threats from the Ming loyalists and secure his position within the Qing court.
14.The death of Yongli marked the end of the Ming dynasty and brought an end to over two centuries of imperial rule in China; it also marked a new era under Qing rule that would last until 1912 when China became a republic once again.
15.Yongli's death at hands of Wu three gates is still remembered today as one tragic event in Chinese history which marks not only an end but also beginning anew chapter in history book
标签: 明朝明成祖下一位 、 古代帝王需要自己动吗 、 为什么中国人喜欢唐朝 、 宋朝因为什么灭亡的 、 明朝那些事为什么被批评