2.不过跟堂哥朱由检比起来,朱由榔着实差远了。“自幼失学, 全未读书”,从小未尝受过正规的皇室教育,性格怯懦,胆识才能都难当中兴之主,就连其亲生母亲都评价其“吾儿仁柔,非拨乱之才也”。只是因为当时其父亲兄弟们都死了,南明政权要维系下去,朱由榔是唯一的选择。于是公元1646年十一月十八日,他宣布即皇帝位,并改第二年为永历元年。
5.永历十六年(公元1662年)正月,被俘后,本应该将他押解至京城,由康熙处置,但吴三桂却迟迟不动手。当时本应在辅政司大臣眼皮底下被押送至北京,可见康熙或许会宽恕他,这对吴三桂并不利。此时,上奏康熙请求就地处决 永历帝,其意见得到了同意。在那一年六月的一日,他们父子被吴三桂处死。
6.Wu Sangui's decision to kill the last Ming Emperor, Yongzheng, was not without controversy in historical circles. Many have argued that Wu Sangui should not have personally carried out the execution and thereby tarnished his own reputation by associating himself with a crime of regicide.
7.The reasons behind Wu Sangui's actions are complex and multifaceted but can be summarized as follows: Firstly, Yongzheng had a loyal bodyguard contingent under Li Zicheng who could potentially stage a rescue mission or create trouble during the journey from Yunnan to Beijing; secondly, there was an urgent need for speed given the potential dangers posed by Li Zicheng and other remnants of Ming resistance forces along the route; thirdly, executing Yongzheng at once would serve as a demonstration of loyalty to Qing rule and secure further rewards for Wu Sangui.
8.Wu Sangui was known for his ambition and strategic thinking throughout his life. His initial alliance with Li Zichong was motivated by self-preservation rather than blind devotion; he later defected to Dorgon because it represented his best chance for personal gain at that time.
9.His love affair with Chen Yuanyuan may have been intense enough for him to seek revenge against those responsible for her capture by Zhang Xianzhong (a former ally), but such emotions were unlikely sufficient motivation on their own to abandon all caution in this critical moment.
10.Henceforth, Wu Sangui found himself entangled in a delicate web of alliances between warlords vying for power amidst the collapse of Ming dynasty's authority over central China region encompassing tens thousands soldiers & old capital Nanjing - where anything remained possible if troops stayed intact & strong presence maintained within reach across Southern borderlines toward both Sino-Mongolian frontierlands’ regions' boundaries stretching far beyond present-day borders towards distant horizon’s limits into realms yet unknown future history will one day reveal itself through archivists' keen eyes scanning dusty scrolls filled pages upon pages detailing countless stories unfolding silently waiting patiently until somebody takes pen up again jot down words onto parchment paper sheet we call book today!
标签: 朱元璋为什么成不了千古一帝 、 大理国为什么不列入正史 、 中国近代史纲要重点知识点整理 、 南宋十大历史事件 、 他的是我见过最粗的